Schedule Post Acknowledgment

Note: This business process An organized flow of activities or tasks that achieves a business goal. An automated business process minimizes the amount of paperwork and manual tasks to complete that process by way of automatic actions, online forms, and automatically generated messages. is an extension model that is developed outside the normal release schedule to meet specific customer needs. To request one of these models, you must submit a Salesforce Service Request to UKG. After the model is delivered to your tenant, you can edit it to meet your needs.

The Schedule Post Acknowledgment extension provides a way for employees to acknowledge that they have seen the posted schedule and agree with the content.

Prior to this Extension, employees received notification of a posted schedule, but managers had no way of knowing whether the schedule had been reviewed or agreed upon by the employee.

In order to engage the employee in the scheduling process, when the schedule is posted this Extension:

  • Asks the employee to acknowledge that they have seen the posted schedule.

  • Captures employee agreement to the posted schedule for audit purposes.

  • Allows the employee to decline any shift from the posted schedule.

  • Allows a contract employee to decline non-contract shifts from the posted schedule.

  • Removes the declined shift after manager approval, and then generates an open shift A shift that is scheduled for a job, but no employee is assigned to work it..

  • Allows the manager to audit responses to gain insight into employee engagement, as well as quality of the posted schedule.