Schedule Change Attestation

Note: This business process An organized flow of activities or tasks that achieves a business goal. An automated business process minimizes the amount of paperwork and manual tasks to complete that process by way of automatic actions, online forms, and automatically generated messages. is an extension model that is developed outside the normal release schedule to meet specific customer needs. To request one of these models, you must submit a Salesforce Service Request to UKG. After the model is delivered to your tenant, you can edit it to meet your needs.

This Business Process Extension requires employees to attest to schedule changes when the changed schedule is different from the posted schedule, or the changed schedule is different from the contract schedule.

As part of the attestation The act of confirming or attesting that something is true. For example, when punching out, users may need to attest that they took their meal breaks. process, employees review the changes made to their schedule and accept or decline the changes. Employees also have the option to skip and respond later. If required, you can configure additional actions; for example, a paycode A category of time or money that employees earn, for example, Regular Hours, Bonus, or Sick. to apply a bonus or penalty depending on the response.

  • After the employee accepts or declines the change, an appropriate paycode with a comment is inserted. This is used for reporting and KPIs; for example, how many schedule changes were made, and the acceptance -to- decline ratio. Because these paycodes are considered as indicative, they should be configured as non-productive. To prevent the paycodes from being considered in the schedule cost, configure each to not count towards totals.
  • A schedule tag A graphic on the schedule that identifies a specific characteristic that applies to a specific employee on a specific day. Not a shift or a pay code. Example: On call. can be added by the manager on any day for which attestation is not required. Adding this tag can be seen as an override, at the manager’s discretion. For example, when a new hire receives a schedule in the middle of the posted schedule period A repeating span of days in the schedule that is defined for administrative purposes, such as pay periods., attestation is initiated unless the manager uses this tag.