Reviewer Lists

A reviewer list contains a sequence of reviewers who will be notified when there is activity within the list. Reviewers can be role-based (such as Leave Administrator), a specific employee (such as Michael Martin), or a Symbolic Reviewer.

Note: If a manager, other than a direct (Reports To) manager, is not explicitly defined as a Reviewer, they cannot approve a request.

  1. From the Main Menu, select Administration > Application Setup > Common Setup > Reviewer Lists.
  2. From the Reviewer List page, click Configure to create a new reviewer list or select a reviewer list and click Duplicate or Edit.
  3. Enter or change the Name and Description of the list.
  4. From the Type drop-down list, select the type of list: General or Time Off.
  5. The Steps section enumerates the hierarchy of reviewers.
    1. For step 1, select the first reviewer from the Reviewers drop-down list. If the reviewer is not listed, click Search and then enter all or part of the applicable name in the Person Search glance (also known as a contextual callout) Provides information and actions in a dialog box for an item on the screen when the user right-clicks or taps the item..
    2. To add a reviewer to this step, click Add. Multiple reviewers in a single step must be unique. The reviewers are predefined in the system, and can be role-based, a Symbolic Reviewer, or an explicit name associated with the employee.
    3. If you select a Symbolic Reviewer, you can also select a filter. For more information about Symbolic Reviewers, see Configure Reviewer Lists using Symbolic Reviewers.
    4. Note: Filters are only available for Symbolic Reviewer types. Filtering always uses the Access Levels that are assigned in the Role where the Symbolic Reviewer has been assigned. The system does not prevent the same Symbolic Reviewer from being applied to more than one role for a given manager.

      • None (default): No filtering is applied. Any manager who has the selected Symbolic Reviewer assigned to them in a role can approve the request. When locating an approver for the Symbolic Reviewer (for example, for an open shift A shift that is scheduled for a job, but no employee is assigned to work it. request approver), the system finds any manager that has that Symbolic Reviewer assigned to a role. Any of those managers can take action (approve or reject) on the submitted request.
      • Use None when a limited number of employees are responsible for approving a specialized type of request.

      • Filter by Submitter: Restricts the managers who can approve the request to those that have access to the submitter (the employee who submits the request) through the combination of their Employee Group and their specified HF Query for Home Employees.
      • Filter by Recipient: Only used for Swap Shift and Request to Cover requests. Restricts the managers who can approve the request to those that have access to the recipient (the employee who accepted a Swap Shift or Request to Cover request from the submitter) through the combination of their Employee Group and their specified HF Query for Home Employees.
    5. Click to add step 2.
    6. For step 2, select the second reviewer from the Reviewers drop-down list. To add a reviewer to this step, click Add.
    7. Continue adding steps until the list is complete. To delete a step, click Delete in the row.
  6. In the Also Notify section:
    1. Select an additional recipient from the Recipients drop-down list. If the recipient is not listed, click Search and then enter all or part of the applicable name in the Person Search glance.
    2. Click to add additional recipents.
    3. Continue adding recipients until the list is complete. To delete a recipient , click Delete in the row.
  7. When finished, click Save or Save & Return.

After completing the reviewer list, go to Symbolic Purposes.