Lost Time Events

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Create the event

  1. Select Administration > Application Setup > Attendance Setup > Lost Time Events.
  2. Click Tap New.
  3. Enter a Lost Time Event Name.
  4. Enter a Display Name. This name will appear in other Attendance views.
  5. Code — Enter the abbreviation (maximum of six characters) for the lost time event.
  6. Track — Select Daily Lost Time or Shift Lost Time to track the lost time by day or by shift.
  7. Units — Select Hours or Percent to control the units in the Lost Time Range fields. This time or amount unit indicate how the lost time is tracked.
  8. In the Lost Time Range, choose a time range between :01 to 24:00 or a percentage amount from 1% to 100%.
  9. Choose how events contribute to lost time from the following:

    Events Contributing to Lost Time

    1. If a scheduled event is going to contribute to the lost time, select an event in the Scheduled Event drop-down list.
    2. In the Events Contributing to Lost Time drop-down list, select an event. The actual name of the event appears, not the display name.
    3. To add another row in the Events Contributing to Lost Time table, click the Add Row button and enter data in the row that is added.
    4. Repeat steps a and b to add more events to the lost time event.

    Calculate Lost Time as deference between Scheduled and Worked Time

    1. In the Scheduled Event drop-down list, select a scheduled day or event.
    2. In the Worked Event drop-down list, select a worked day or event.
    3. Clear the Worked time cannot exceed scheduled time check box to allow employees worked time to exceed their scheduled time.

      Example: if employees are scheduled to work 8 hours, and they work 10 hours, the system counts 8 hours if you select this check box. If you clear this check box, their work hours are counted as 10.

  10. Click Save.

Note: If completing the attendance configuration sequence, the next configuration step is to configure Combined events