Combined events

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A combined event can contain employment status events, such as inactive. You can combine several tracking events, such as vacation and inactive days, to later be used to extend tracking periods.

New combined events Combined events are multiple attendance events. Combined events let you manage related events as one event. are assigned a status of Active. Activate a combined event to make it available for use throughout Attendance Setup

You cannot associate an inactive combined event with an attendance rule when you are configuring a new attendance policy. If you inactivate a combined event that is associated with an existing attendance policy rule, the combined event continues to work in that attendance rule. You cannot delete a combined event that has been referenced within the Attendance Setup.

Instead, mark it as Inactive. When you configure a combined event, you can select from the multiple events that have been defined in Attendance Events and Patterns. If one of the events included in a combined event occurs, any of the following occurs:


You have a combined event called “Late In or Early Out.” You configure it to include “late in” basic events and “early out” basic events. If an employee incurs either a late in or an early out, the system interprets the event as a “late in or early out” combined event.

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Create a combined event

A new combined event is assigned Active status.

  1. Select Administration > Application Setup > Attendance Setup > Combined Events.
  2. Click Tap New.
  3. Identify the combined event.
    1. Combined Event Name — Enter an internal name.
    2. Display Name — Enter a name that is used throughout Attendance Setup.
    3. Code — Enter an abbreviation (maximum of six characters) for the combined event
  4. Select the events that comprise the combined event from the list of attendance events, lost time events, or employment status events. The display name appears in the list.
  5. To add more events, one per row, click tap Inset a new row .
  6. Click Save.

Note: If completing the attendance configuration sequence, the next configuration step is to configure Perfect Attendance Definitions.