Workload System Settings

Navigate to Administration > Application Setup > System Configuration > System Settings > Workload Specifies a number of employees needed for a certain job at a certain location over a certain span of time. tab.

There are settings under the Workload tab in System Settings that affect the Workload Generator Populates the Workload Planner based on the number of staff who are budgeted by volume.. You can customize Workload Generator terms to better describe your business. Additional settings are specific to the staffing matrix: one setting enables a warning dialog box to display when a gap exists, and another setting defines the decimal rounding Rounding is a way to simplify payroll accounting and reporting, and to enforce shift start and end times. Punch rounds divide hours into equal segments of an hour. mode.

An example of a customized (or configurable) Workload Generator term is volume. The Workload Generator enables a third tab in the Workload Planner Tracks and edits staffing plans that define the number of workers that are needed for each shift or schedule zone and job.. This tab is used to define the volumes that drive the Workload Generator. In a health care operation, the volume is the number of patients needing care. This number is referred to as “patient census.” In a health care operation, you could define the system setting site.workload.configurableterms.volume as Census. The third tab in the Workload Planner will then be labeled Census.

Note: If you change any of the configurable terms, make sure you restart your server before continuing.

Configurable terms

The configurable terms settings are listed here.

Note: If you change any of these configurable terms, make sure you restart your server before continuing.

site.workload.staffingmatrix.gapwarning — Setting this to true will cause a warning dialog box to be displayed if you are creating gaps when setting up a staffing matrix volume range.

site.workload.configurableterms.budgeted — The term used to refer to a workload generated in advance, creating the baseline staffing plan. This term is used in the following areas in the user interface:

  • The Generate Workload dialog box (accessed by selecting
    Actions > Generate Workload from the Calendar tab in the Workload Planner)
  • The View option under the third tab in the Workload Planner
  • A data label in the grid under the third tab in the Workload Planner

site.workload.configurableterms.volumetype — The term used to refer to the type of workload volume.

site.workload.configurableterms.scheduled — The term used to refer to scheduled Hours/Volume, hour, and volume on the Hours/Volume tab.

site.workload.configurableterms.hppd — The term used to refer to Hours/Volume on the Hours/Volume tab.

site.workload.configurableterms.weight — The factor that modifies the volume number. In a health care operation, weight is often referred to as acuity, which is the level of care needed by patients in different areas. The definition defined in this setting appears as the label of the factoring set in Workload Setup (for example “Acuity Set” or “Weight Set”).

site.workload.configurableterms.volume — The number used by the staffing matrix to generate workload. In a health care operation, volume is often referred to as Census; the number of patients needing care. The definition defined in this setting appears in the following places in the user interface:

  • The label of the third tab in the Workload Planner
  • The label of the Add option under the Actions menu item in the Workload Planner (for example, “Add Volume” or “Add Census”)
  • The label of the Add/Remove Range menu options used in the staffing matrix portion of workload setup (for example, “Add Volume Range” or “Add Census Range”)
  • The label of the configuration and calculation settings of the weight sets. — The term used to refer to target Hours The difference between actual and target hours for employees who work according to employment terms. Example: A contract employee is paid for the target 40 hours a week even if they work fewer or more actual hours./Volume, hour, and volume on the Hours/Volume tab.

site.workload.configurableterms.hppdtablabel — The term used to refer to the Hours/Volume tab.

site.workload.configurableterms.weightedvolume — The label of the view option in the Workload Planner which reflects a modified volume (or census) number.

site.workload.configurableterms.actual — The term used to refer to actual workload, which is used for reports and will be used in future features. This term is used in the following areas in the user interface:

  • The View option under the third tab in the Workload Planner
  • A data label in the grid under the third tab in the Workload Planner

site.workload.budget.copy — Copy budget values into actuals column

site.workload.configurableterms.addvolume — The term for add volume.

site.workload.configurableterms.projected — The term used to refer to a workload generated for the current day, creating the adjusted staffing plan. This term is used in the following areas in the user interface:

  • The Generate Workload dialog box (accessed by selecting
    Actions > Generate Workload from the Calendar tab in the Workload Planner)
  • The View option under the third tab in the Workload Planner
  • A data label in the grid under the third tab in the Workload Planner