Mobile App System Settings

Navigate to Administration > Application Setup > System Settings > Mobile App tab.


Key and value details

site.mobileapp.limitDeviceDetailsRecorded — When set to True, will restrict the amount of device details recorded to App ID, Device Type, and last login time. Device details are used for Dataview A configurable tool for analyzing data and taking actions on a group of employees or an organization. reports.

Default: False

site.mobileapp.QRCodeEncryptionKey — A text string that allows the decryption of all the QR Codes in the system. This value is populated by the system after creating the first QR Code in the system. This "secret key" is required to be included when you transfer to a new server/environment. The new server/environment must have this value, from the previous server/environment, to be able to read the existing QR Codes in the new system/environment.