Forecasting System Settings

Navigate to Administration > Application Setup > System Configuration > System Settings > Forecasting tab.

The Forecasting system settings contain information about the following:

  • Import files for forecasting
  • Traffic patterns

The following system settings are provided for Forecasting.

site.forecasting.adjustSetupToMidWeekManipulations — Enables adjustment of the setup items assignments taking into account mid-week business structure manipulations.

site.forecasting.batchService.maxMonthsDateRangeConsolidation — Length in months of the date range for consolidation batch events. Note: If the value of this setting is decreased, existing consolidation batch events and running batch jobs can be affected.

site.forecasting.batchService.maxMonthsDateRangeOccurrenceRatioCalculation — Length in months of the date range that is used to calculate the occurrence ratio. Note: If the value of this setting is decreased, existing occurrence ratio batch events and running batch jobs can be affected.

site.forecasting.DefaultWeekStartDay — The first day of the week.

site.forecasting.engine.labor.dotrafficpatterncalculation.enabled — Indicates the method in which the traffic pattern data is read by the Labor Forecast Engine to generate a labor forecast.

  • If true, the Labor Forecast Engine calculates traffic pattern data on the fly.
  • If False, traffic pattern data is generated by the Traffic Pattern Engine and stored in the database. It is expected that the Traffic Pattern Engine has been run to generate the data prior to running the Labor Forecast Engine.

site.forecasting.engine.maxMinutesInWaitingAndRunningStatus — Amount of time an engine task can be in a waiting or running state before the system terminates it so that the engine can execute a new request for the same location.

site.forecasting.feature.calculation.status.enabled — Enable features calculation status.

site.forecasting.labor.accumlateddriver.usepreviousweek — If set to true, labor and earned hours engines calculate accumulated hours for back days from previous week, else it will use the current week.

site.forecasting.labor.analyzer.maxNumberJobsToSpecify — The maximum number of jobs specified to be returned by Labor Forecast Analyzer REST API.

site.forecasting.labor.earnedhours.enginestrategy.posbased — Determines the calculation method that is used to compute earned hours. When set to False, the Labor Earned Hours engine strategy is based on the traffic pattern. When set to True, the strategy is based on imported historical point-of-sale data. This setting applies to both full and partial imports.
Value: required; installed default=False

site.forecasting.labor.earnedhours.partialImport.completionStrategy — If the POS calculation method is selected for computing earned hours, and POS data is imported at one or more determined points in a day, this setting determines how earned hows are calculated for other intervals in the day for which POS data does not exist. Select one of the following values from the drop-down list:

  • Labor Forecast — Use existing labor forecast (default).

  • Labor Adjusted — Existing constrained labor forecast. If one does not exist, the existing labor forecast is used.

  • Projected Labor — Runs the projected labor forecast engine to generate a projected forecast. The engine uses the volume driver that is specified in the site.forecasting.labor.earnedhours.partialImport.drivertouse system setting.

site.forecasting.labor.earnedhours.partialImport.drivertouse — When Projected Labor is selected as a strategy to complete the earned hours calculation for a partial import of POS data, use this setting to specify the volume driver that is used by the engine that generates the projected forecast.

site.forecasting.labor.enableSaveLaborStandardForecast — Enables saving raw labor standard forecast when labor forecast is run. When set to True, labor diagnostic data is generated for all existing or newly created labor forecast batch events.

site.forecasting.labor.enableZeroLaborForNegativePOSValue — When true, causes the labor engine to treat negative POS values as zero (0).

site.forecasting.labor.engine.generatelaboroncloseday.enabled — If set to true, the labor forecast engine will generate labor on closed days. If false, no labor will be generated on closed days.

site.forecasting.labor.standard.batch.import.separator.character — The character that separates information in batch imports.

Value: required; installed default=~

site.forecasting.labor.standard.components.acp.enabled — Enables access to control points for labor standard components.

site.forecasting.labor.standard.effectivedate.enable — Allows the user to enable or disable the Labor Standard Effective Date.

site.forecasting.laborconstraint.numberOfSitesPerBatch — Number of sites for which to process the labor constraint calculation through the default batch event within a single batch request.

site.forecasting.laborconstraint.weekOffset — Week offset for which a labor constraint calculation is to be generated.


If true, when the labor period extends across the day divide Time that defines when one day ends and a new day begins. The day divide is defined in a pay rule. If a shift crosses the day divide, the pay rule defines how the hours are allocated: to the day before, the day after, or to the day on which the worked hour occurred. and labor is driven by a custom driver, the system calculates the labor using the custom driver volume from the previous day and the current day as one day.

If false, when the labor period extends across the day divide and labor is driven by a custom driver, the system treats the volume data as two separate days, as they fall, on the day before and the day after the day divide.
Value: required; installed default=True

site.forecasting.laborforecaster.enablesalesgoalhourscalculation — The labor forecast engine calculates hours spent towards meeting the sales goal for a job if set to true

site.forecasting.laborforecaster.laborstandardpurgebatchsize — The batch size of the purged labor standards

site.forecasting.laborforecaster.laborstandardpurgedays — The number of days before the current date to purge the system of labor standards.

site.forecasting.laboritem.maxNumberToSelect — Specifies the maximum number of labor items selected.
Value: required; installed default=500

site.forecasting.machinelearning.ageofdatafeature.enabled — If set true,consider historical data age feature in machine learning training and prediction.

site.forecasting.machinelearning.bccvalidation.enable — Enables validation of Cluster Computing server availability.

site.forecasting.machinelearning.queuevalidation.enable — Enables validation of machine learning queues availability.

Value: required; installed default=0.00001


site.forecasting.multipleStartDayOfWeek — Enables using different start days of the week for different locations.

site.forecasting.OperationalDashboard.excludeTodayfromWeekToDateTotals — Exclude today's totals from week to date totals in operational dashboard.


site.forecasting.PeakHours.intervalDurationInMinutes — Defines duration of intervals for which maximum volume forecast values will be calculated by the Peak Hours API. Available values are 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 120 minutes, 180 minutes, 240 minutes.

Default=60 (minutes)

site.forecasting.PeakHours.numberPerDay — Defines number of intervals with maximum volume forecast values that will be returned per day by the Peak Hours API. Provide a value from 0 to 96


site.forecasting.PeakHours.numberPerSpan — Defines number of intervals with maximum volume forecast values that will be returned per span by the Peak Hours API. Provide a value from 0 to 672.


site.forecasting.RepairChunkSize — Generic Category/Department Repair Service Chunk size

site.forecasting.RepairDateSpan — Generic Category/Department Repair Service Date Span in months


site.forecasting.starttime.businessday.offset — The time that the business day begins is this number of minutes after midnight

site.forecasting.trafficpattern.minacceptablescore — The minimum score that a historical day must receive to be considered by the Labor Forecast Engine for a forecasted traffic pattern.

The Labor Forecast Engine assigns a score to point-of-sale (POS) data for each day. The score for the day must meet or exceed the minacceptablescore to be considered in the traffic-pattern calculation. Typically, with a higher score, fewer days are included in the traffic-pattern calculation. This may result in forecast results that are lower than desired. Decreasing the minacceptablescore lowers the threshhold at which the Labor Forecast Engine will consider a historical day for the traffic pattern and thus use more POS data to generate the traffic pattern.

The default score set is 85. To determine the value to use, lower this system setting to 50 to 55, run the labor forecast, and adjust this setting up or down a few times until results yield an acceptable labor forecast.
Value: required; installed default=85

site.forecasting.trafficpattern.numyearstosearch — The number of years of point-of-sale (POS) history that the system will search for traffic pattern data. The default of 1 is optimal.
Value: required; installed default=1

site.forecasting.trafficpatternbatch.numberOfSitesPerBatch — Specifies the maximum number of stores used to calculate traffic patterns per batch in batch processing. This is also known as the chunk sized and can be tweaked for performance tuning.
Value: required; installed default=100

site.forecasting.trafficpatternbatch.weeksToCalculate — Specifies the number of weeks ahead that traffic patterns should be forecasted during traffic pattern batch calculations.
Value: required; installed default=1

site.forecasting.volume.edit.restrictVolumeAdjustments — If true, the system does not allow edits for the volume forecast that change a negative value to a positive value, or vice versa, or a rollup value that contains both positive and negative values.
Value: required; installed default=false

site.forecasting.volume.enableZeroForecastOnNullHistory — Enables generation of zero volume forecasts for categories with insufficient historical volume data

site.forecasting.volume.engine.machineLearning.considerZeroAsValue — When set to false the machine learning will ignore days with zero historical volume data.

site.forecasting.volume.engine.mltype — Select the algorithm for machine learning

site.forecasting.volume.engine.prediction.bulk.enable — Execute machine learning volume forecast for multiple stores in one batch request.



site.forecasting.volumeimport.timegranularity — The granularity, in minutes, with which volume data is imported:

  • For quarter hour, enter 15
  • For half hour, enter 30
  • For hourly, enter 60

Value: required; installed default=15
