E-mail System Settings

Navigate to Administration > Application Setup > System Configuration > System Settings > E-mail tab.

E-mail settings enable you to establish parameters for all notification e-mails that the system generates.

You can enable batch delivery using the site.email.batchDelivery property. In cases where multiple notifications to the same recipient result from a single function, batch delivery consolidates these notifications into one e-mail. For example, if you import data or the system performs multiple paycode A category of time or money that employees earn, for example, Regular Hours, Bonus, or Sick. edits, the batched e-mail includes multiple messages. When the system begins an e-mail, messages are added to it until the notification server is triggered to send the e-mail. With the next message, another e-mail is started.

Key and value details

site.email.enforceUniqueness — When set to true, an option is displayed in the locale policy that allows enforcement of unique employee email addresses (default = false). See Locale Policy.

site.email.bcc.enable — When set to true sends group emails as blind carbon copy(BCC) instead of carbon copy (CC) for group notifications.

site.email.batchDelivery — Set to true to specify batch delivery: all messages in the queue to the same recipient will be grouped, and sent out as one e-mail.
Value: required; installed default=true