Business Structure System Settings

Navigate to Administration > Application Setup > System Configuration > System Settings > Business Structure Represents the logical structure of an organization as it concerns staffing. It contains the locations and jobs to which an employee may be assigned. tab.

Key and value details

site.BusinessStructure.JobSortOrderMandatory — Specifies whether Sort Order of Business Structure Job should be mandatory. Values are true or false. Default is true for hierarchical business structure and false for simplified business structure.

site.BusinessStructure.JobSortOrderUnique — Specifies whether Sort Order of Business Structure Job should be unique. Values are true or false. Default is true for hierarchical business structure and false for simplified business structure.

site.BusinessStructure.JobSortOrderNumeric — Specifies whether Sort Order of Business Structure Job should be numeric (true) or alphanumeric (false). Values are true or false. Default is true (numeric).

site.BusinessStructure.DisplayTimeZoneField — Specifies whether the Time Zone field is displayed for integration purposes with Workforce Telestaff only. Values are true or false. Default is false.

site.BusinessStructure.LaborCategory.SystemEntryList.MAX_ENTRIES — The maximum number of labor category entries in the system list sent to the client. The default is 1000.

site.BusinessStructure.DisplayLocationJobSearchUI — Specifies if the location and job search options are available in the transfer panel for Business Structure transfers. The default is false.





site.BusinessStructure.OrganizationalSets.limit.pagination — The maximum number of organizational sets that are displayed at a time on the Organizational Sets page; if the number of organizational sets in the system exceeds the limit specified here (n), the page loads the next n organizational sets each time the user scrolls to the end of the list. The default is 1000.

site.BusinessStructure.simplified.maxlocationtypes — The maximum number of location types allowed when using Simplified Business Structure. The value must be a number from 1 to 10.

Note: Although you can enter a value up to 10, using a value greater than 5 should only be done with careful consideration as this may impact performance.
