Business Automation System Settings

Navigate to Administration > Application Setup > System Configuration > System Settings > Business Automation tab.

The Business Automation settings are used by Process Manager.

Key and value details — A comma-separated list of people to be notified when a business process An organized flow of activities or tasks that achieves a business goal. An automated business process minimizes the amount of paperwork and manual tasks to complete that process by way of automatic actions, online forms, and automatically generated messages. encounters errors. Note the following:

  • The “originator” is the person who started the business process.
  • The wba.processengine.taskmaster.personnum value is the person whom you specified to receive a message if a business process encounters errors.

Value: required; installed default=50

Value: required; installed default=250 — Specifies the number of days in the past that show in the task list.
Value: installation default=30 — The Sender field (specific to your organization) for e-mail messages generated from the Process Engine.
Value: required; installed default={}


Value: required; installed default=250

wba.processengine.taskmaster.personnum — The person number of the individual, usually an administrator, who will receive a message if a business process encounters errors. If you do not enter a value, only the person who initiated the process (the originator) will receive a message.

Assign more than one person, so that other administrators can act on these messages if the primary administrator is unavailable.

wba.processengine.maintainrequesttransitions — Specifies if workflows initiated via a request subtype transition Suspends a request between state transitions, such as pending and approved, while a business process completes a task. Example: Pause a process until a manager completes and submits a form. will be maintained within Process Designer after completion.
Value: required; installed default=false