Shift Builder Criteria

Schedule Builder is a batch event in Event ManagerEvent Manager that generates schedules and workload Specifies a number of employees needed for a certain job at a certain location over a certain span of time. based on employee, group, and workload patterns. Shift Builder Criteria (Application Setup > Scheduler Setup > Shift Builder Criteria) defines the settings that Schedule Builder uses. To improve performance, patterns are not created all the way to the end date. With Shift Builder Criteria, you can specify how far into the future you want to roll out the schedule and workload assignments. Other rollout settings are also provided.

With Shift Builder Criteria, you can also specify which entities to override when running the batch process, such as specific pay codes, tags, or shift templates A shift that has a name and defined segments and attributes, but no date or assigned employee.. You can also specify different criteria for overriding availability.

Select Edit and modify the following fields as needed:

  • Name — Enter or change the name.
  • Run rollout on startup — Select Yes or No to allow or disallow rollout when the system starts. This property is not currently in use.
  • Process batch size — Enter the number of employee and group patterns to process per batch. This does not affect workload patterns.
  • Retry process delay — Enter the delay (in minutes) for retrying failed batch jobs. This property is not currently in use.
  • Retry process maximum attempts — Enter the maximum number of retries for failed batch services. This property is not currently in use.
  • Batch resource rating — Enter the resource rating for the batch service. This property is not currently in use.
  • Days for pattern rollout — Enter how far out in the future the patterns should be rolled out. The default value is 30 days.
  • You can enter a maximum value of 550 days, which is the equivalent of 18 months. Note that performance issues may occur when the value of this setting is more than 30 days.

    The value of this setting can also affect schedule pattern limits. By default, when defining a pattern in the Schedule Pattern Defines a repeating pattern of shifts, paycodes, and availability that is assigned to one or more employees for a specific time span. editor in the Schedule Planner and in Scheduler Setup > Pattern Templates A repeating pattern of shifts and paycodes that is saved with a name, but without dates or assigned employees., schedule patterns have a maximum length of 52 weeks (364 days). However, if the Days for pattern rollout value is greater than 52 weeks (364 days), then the schedule pattern limit will be increased to the same value as the Days for pattern rollout value. For example, if the Days for pattern rollout value is 490 days, your schedule pattern limit will also be 490 days.

    Note: If you need to create schedule patterns longer than 550 days, contact your Service Reprentative to have the appropriate tenant property changed to set a higher limit.

  • Days of History to Keep — Enter the number of rolled out pattern days to keep. This history is stored in the database.
  • Preserve existing pattern content — Select Yes or No to preserve or remove the existing pattern content after changing the pattern effective date.
  • Rollout for inactive employees — Select Yes or No to allow or disallow patterns to be rolled out for inactive employees.
  • Re-rollout for employees previously inactive — Select Yes or No to allow or disallow patterns to be rolled out again for previously inactive employees when their Employment Status changes to Active. The default value is Yes.
  • Note: This setting only applies to patterns assigned to employees. It is not applicable to patterns assigned to schedule groups Assembles employees who share schedules or any other work characteristics. or employment terms Legal contracts between employer and employee. When scheduled to work hours differ from the hours in their contract, the pay rules of the employees determine the impact on pay..

  • Re-rollout for employees previously terminated — Select Yes or No to allow or disallow patterns to be rolled out again for previously terminated employees when their Employment Status changes to Active. The default value is Yes.
  • Note: This setting only applies to patterns assigned to employees. It is not applicable to patterns assigned to schedule groups or employment terms.

  • Date patterns rolled out through — The date that patterns are currently rolled out to. This value cannot be changed.
  • Initial date patterns rolled out through — Enter the default last date patterns to roll out for a new tenant. You can use the Calendar to specify a date.
  • Patterns rolled out on startup — Select Yes or No to allow or disallow the patterns to be rolled out on each startup. This property is not currently in use.
  • Allow past date roll out — Select Yes or No to allow or disallow patterns to be rolled out in the past. This property is not currently in use.
  • Ad hoc pay codes to override — Select the ad hoc pay codes to override when patterns are rolled out. As you select pay codes, they appear on the Current Assigned line. This property is not currently in use.
  • Shift templates to override — Select the shift templates to override when patterns are rolled out. As you select templates, they appear on the Current Assigned line. This property is not currently in use.
  • Tags to override — Select the tags to override when patterns are rolled out. As you select tags, they appear on the Current Assigned line. This property is not currently in use.
  • Override current availability — Select Yes or No to allow or disallow the batch process to overwrite a manager's manually-entered Availability change — such as an Availability Override, a Pay Code edit with an associated Availability, an Enter Time Off with a Pay Code associated with Availability, or an employee's approved Time-off request Request subtypes that employees use to request time off for vacation, illness or recovery, appointments, personal time, or other absences. Time-off requests can be configured to support many different employment scenarios. with a Pay Code associated with Availability — or an employee's approved Availability Change Request when a Schedule Pattern is rolled out.
  • Note: The Override current availability setting is separate from the Restore availability functionality. If Override current availability is set to Yes, existing availability is removed when a pattern is rolled out. If set to No, rolling out a pattern does not override existing availability. When you use the Restore availability functionality, existing availability is removed and the pattern is restored, regardless of whether Override current availability is set to Yes or No.

  • Ignore shift rollout if pay code edit is derived from — Select one of the following options to specify which days with existing scheduled Pay Codes to skip when rolling out a new schedule pattern. Days that are skipped from the rollout process do not get a shift applied from the new schedule pattern template.
  • Note: Employees with multiple assignments have separate pattern roll-outs for each assignment. For example, they may have a shift with a time-off Pay Code related to one assignment but not to the other assignments. When rolling out a new pattern, only the days with the Pay Code for the assignment that is affected by the new pattern is skipped by the pattern roll-out. The pattern roll-out for the employee's other assignments on those days is not skipped.

    • None (Default) — No days are skipped when rolling out shifts for a new schedule pattern.
    • Schedule Entry — Shifts are not rolled out on days with an existing Pay Code that was entered in the Schedule Planner or was added from a Time-off Request. Shifts are rolled out on days with a Pay Code that came from a Schedule Pattern.
    • Group — Shifts are not rolled out on days with an existing Pay Code that was inherited from a Schedule Group or Employment Terms.
    • All — Shifts are not rolled out on days with an existing pay code that was entered in the Schedule Planner, was added from a Time-off Request, or was inherited from a Schedule Group or Employment Terms.