Transfer Rules

Transfer rules allow you to specify how transfers are processed when an employee punches The entries on a timecard that mark the beginning (in-punch) or end (out-punch) of a work interval, such as the beginning of a shift or transfer. during a shift. You can select options for punch transfers and options for scheduled transfers.

Assign transfer rules to pay rules. Since transfer rules are optional, if a transfer rule is not selected in the pay rule, then transfers are processed using the system transfer behavior.

To configure transfer rules, you need to have Pay Rules setup set to allowed in your function access profile.

Configure a Transfer Rule

  1. Select Administration > Application Setup > Pay Policies > Pay Rule Building Blocks > Transfer Rules.
  2. Click Create , or select an existing transfer rule and click Edit .
  3. Enter a name, and optionally a description.
  4. Select Punch Options.
    • For In Punch without Transfer, specify the transfer behavior for an employee when they punch in from a break without a transfer.
      • Apply previous transfer value — When an employee punches in for the day with a transfer, then the transfer continues after their break without having to punch the transfer again.
      • Apply scheduled value — The segment is transferred to the employee's scheduled job (either the employee's primary job, or the job they are scheduled for).
    • For In Punch with Transfer, specify the transfer behavior for an employee when they punch in from a break with a transfer.
      • Overlay previous value — Overlay the previous value (punched, scheduled, or combination) with the punched transfer value.
      • Overlay scheduled value — Ignores any previously punched transfers and overlays the scheduled transfer.
  5. Select Scheduled Transfer Options.
    • Schedule segment after break forces transfer, when Yes is selected, the second segment in a shift that contains a scheduled break is transferred to the originally scheduled job. If you need to have employees continue the transfer after a scheduled break, then deselect this option.
    • For example, an employee's primary job is Job A. The employee is scheduled to work 9a-12p<regular>, 12p-1p<break>, 1p-5p<regular>. The employee punches to Job B at 9a and punches out at 5p.
    • When the Transfer Rule is configured to always force a transfer after a break (Yes is selected), then the employee's hours from 9a-1p are charged to Job B, and hours from 1p-5p are charged to Job A.
    • When the Transfer Rule is configured to not always force a transfer after a break (Yes is not selected), then all hours for the shift are charged to Job B.
    • Delay scheduled Job transfer until punched transfer, select Yes if you want to delay a scheduled transfer until the employee punches for the transfer.
    • For example, an employee is working their primary job for a shift. At 1pm, the employee is scheduled to transfer to Job B. At 2pm, the employee punches a transfer to Job B.
    • When this setting is off (Yes is not selected), then the employee's time is charged to Job B beginning at the scheduled transfer time of 1pm. When this setting is on (Yes is selected), the employee's time is not charged to Job B until the actual punched time of 2pm.
    • Note: When this option is selected, the scheduled transfer and punched transfer must be consecutive for the transfer to behave as defined. If there is a break in between the transfers, then the transfer uses the scheduled transfer time instead of the punched time.

  6. For Schedule Transfer Options following a punch transfer, select one of the following for the behavior of transfers that follow a punched transfer:
    • Apply Scheduled transfer to blank transfer elements — A scheduled transfer that follows a punch transfer changes only scheduled elements that are not in the original transfer.
    • Scheduled transfer elements yield priority to punched elements — A scheduled transfer that follows a punch transfer gives precedence to the punched transfer value before any scheduled transfer value.
    • Scheduled transfer replaces punch transfer — A scheduled transfer that follows a punch transfer overrides the punched transfer.
  7. Click Save.