
Majority rules apply a single hour type to shifts when employees qualify for more than one zone. The zone hour type with the most hours is applied to the entire shift. You can include the regular zone type in the majority calculations.

Use the Majority Rules page (Administration > Application SetupPay Policies > Work Rule Building Blocks > Majorities) and the following information to set up majority rules.

  • Available Zones — The zones available for inclusion in the majority rule.
  • Selected Zones — The zones selected for the majority rule.
  • Equal Intervals Use — The rule that takes precedence if:
    • Employees work equal amounts of time in more than one zone.
    • Employees work equal amounts of time in a zone and in a regular (non-zone) shift.
  • Select one of the following:
    • Bottom of List — The rule at the bottom of the Selected Zones list applies to the entire shift.
    • Top of List — The rule at the top of the Selected Zones applies to the entire shift.
    • First Zone Worked — The first zone worked applies to the entire shift.
    • Last Zone Worked — The last zone worked applies to the entire shift.
    • Ignore — No rule takes precedence. Each interval is paid according to the rule associated with it.
  • Include Regular (non-zone hours) — Include regular shifts in the majority calculation. When employees work most time during a regular (non-zone) shift, regular applies to the entire shift.
  • Include Deducts — The time for automatic deductions in a zone length should be included for the majority shift calculation. Inclusion of deductions is for zone length comparison purposes only. By default, this option is not selected.
  • Include Punched The entries on a timecard that mark the beginning (in-punch) or end (out-punch) of a work interval, such as the beginning of a shift or transfer. Breaks — Specifies that the interval of time for punched breaks in a zone length to be included for the purposes of establishing a majority. By default, this option is not selected.
  • Majority Pay Result
  • For employees that qualify for more than one zone during a shift, the following options are available to control how premium pay is distributed based on contributing hours. Select one of the following:
    • If a zone represents a majority of the hours contributing to this rule, pay all contributing hours using the premium rate of the majority zone.
    • If a zone represents a majority of the hours contributing to this rule, pay only time worked in the majority zone using its premium rate.
    • If a zone represents the majority of the hours contributing to this rule, pay all contributing hours the premium rate of the majority zone. Pay minority zones with their premium rates as well.
  • Pay the entire pay period as zone premium if one zone represents a majority of the total hours worked during the pay period. — Select this if you want the employee to receive premium pay for the entire pay period when a majority of hours are worked in one zone.