Leave rules

Leave rules define the process applying leave time to individual cases.

Find leave rules

  • To find a specific item — Type a name in the Name search box. Use up to 25 characters and wild cards.
  • To filter items based on status — In the Filter drop-down, select Active, Inactive, or All.
  • To specify a row — Select the check box next to the item.

Click Refresh to update the workspace with any new or changed information that has been saved.

Warning: Save all changes before you click Refresh. If you do not, your changes are lost.

Note: To modify a leave rule for a specific leave case navigate to Leave of absence case editor > Eligibility & Rules > Edit rule.

Use the Leave Rules Editor to:

  • Create new leave rules
  • Duplicate or edit existing leave rules
  • Delete leave rules
  • Mark a leave rule as active or inactive.