Install the Prorated Accruals Integration

Prorated Accruals distribute accruals entitlements proportionally on the date of hire or termination, or a change to employment contract based on the number of remaining days in the reference accruals period.

Note: For more information, see the Prorated Accruals Overview.

After the integrations are deployed and the connection settings and process properties are configured, install the integrations to make them available for running or scheduling.

  • An integration template is the configured integration that you deploy to an Atom and then install to make available for running or scheduling.
  • An installed integration is a single instance of an integration that is based on an integration template. When you install an integration, you can define parameters or set parameters to be defined when the integration is run.
  1. Select Main Menu  > Administration > Application Setup > Integrations Setup > Install Integrations.
  2. Click Tap Create .
  3. In Integration Name, enter Prorated Accruals v5. This name must be unique.
  4. (Optional) Enter a Description.

    Example: This integration proportionally calculates and adjusts employee Accrual Balances for events such as Hire or Rehire, FTE change, Accrual Profile change, and Termination. It also proportionally adjusts Carryover Limits and Earning Amount Limits.

  5. Do not select API Integration.
  6. Complete the SFTP settings:
    • In File Access, select File Upload.

      Note: Import integrations accept only UTF-8 encoded input files.

    • In Connection, click tap Internal SFTP.
  7. (Optional) If the person who runs the integration doesn't have full access to integrations, select Execute Integration with System Account. This allows the integration access to all APIs in the FAP, and the relevant permissions and data, regardless of the FAP and GDAP of the person who runs the integration.
  8. (Optional) Select Re-Run to allow repeated runs of the integration with the same parameter values as the previous run.

  9. Email Notifications


    1. Select Yes to send email and control center notifications for integration runs.
    2. Enter the email addresses of the recipients for the following types of run status. For multiple recipients, separate the addresses by a comma, but no spaces:

      In Progress — The integration run started and has not finished.

      Completed — The integration ran successfully without errors.

      Failed — The integration ran successfully, but one or more records have errors. The integration run is treated as failed. If Abort on Failure is configured in an integration set A sequence of integrations that can be run on-demand or be scheduled., the integration set stops.

      Completed with Errors — The integration run has errors or could not run.

  10. Scheduling Configuration


    (Only for file-based integrations) For integrations that will be scheduled to run frequently, configure the behavior if integrations overlap in time. These settings allow frequent integration runs that avoid redundant processing of data and avoid multiple integrations processing the same data.

    • In Skip Configuration, select one of the following:

      None (default): Allow multiple integrations to run at the same time or with the same data without restrictions.

      Installed Instance (Recommended): Do not run a scheduled integration if another instance of the same installed integration is in-progress. Only once such integrations finish, this integration can run at the next scheduled time.

      Integration Template: Do not run a scheduled integration if any installed instance of the same integration template is in-progress. Only once such integrations finish, can this integration run at the next scheduled time.

    • Only if Installed Instance or Integration Template is selected, select Allow Minute Interval to allow the person who schedules the integration to select the By Minute recurrence to repeat the integration run every 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 minutes.
  11. Do not select Allow Minute Interval.
  12. Integration template and parameters
    1. In Integration Template, select ProratedAccruals_iPack_v5.
    2. Click Tap Assign .
    3. (Optional) In Integration Parameters, you can override default settings.
    4. Specify the following parameters:


      Specify the default hyperfind A search engine that filters and selects groups of employees through queries that specify conditions or locations (criteria). query for the location that contains the employees:

      Click Tap Create .

      Parameter Name: (Required) Enter Hyperfind or Locations.

      Description: (Optional)

      Template Parameter: (Required) Select HyperfindOrLocations.

      Parameter Type: (Required) Select Hyperfind.

      Default Value: (Optional) All Home A query that returns a list of employees associated with a manager's employee group. All Home finds people who are active employees or active users as of today..

      User Prompted: To prompt the person who manually runs the integration to set this parameter, select Yes.

      Click Tap Save.


      (Optional) Specify the parameter to process data for only a limited number of employees:

      Click Tap Create .

      Parameter Name: (Required) Enter Employee IDs.

      Description: (Optional)

      Template Parameter: (Required) Select EmployeeIDs.

      Parameter Type: (Required) Select Text.

      Default Value: (Optional) Can be a single or multiple values separated by a semi-colon (;) and no spaces. Leave blank to process data for all employees.

      User Prompted: To prompt the person who manually runs the integration to set this parameter, select Yes.


      This extension prorates and provides grants on the employees' hire dates. Select whether to process employees when they are hired or rehired:

      Click Tap Create .

      Parameter Name: (Required) Enter Enable New Hire.

      Description: (Optional)

      Template Parameter: (Required) Select EnableNewHire.

      Parameter Type: (Required) Select Boolean.

      Default Value: (Optional) Enter one of the following:

      • If true, enter true, t, yes, or y.
      • If false, enter false, f, no, or n.

      User Prompted: If the value does not need to be changed when the integration runs, select No.


      Select whether to process employees by changes to full-time equivalent (FTE) status:

      Click Tap Create .

      Parameter Name: (Required) Enter Enable FTE Change.

      Description: (Optional)

      Template Parameter: (Required) Select EnableFTEChange.

      Parameter Type: (Required) Select Boolean.

      Default Value: (Optional) Enter one of the following:

      • If true, enter true, t, yes, or y.
      • If false, enter false, f, no, or n.

      User Prompted: If the value does not need to be changed when the integration runs, select No.


      Select whether to process employees by changes to accrual profile:

      Click Tap Create .

      Parameter Name: (Required) Enter Enable Accrual Profile Change.

      Description: (Optional)

      Template Parameter: (Required) Select EnableAccrualProfileChange.

      Parameter Type: (Required) Select Boolean.

      Default Value: (Optional) Enter one of the following:

      • If true, enter true, t, yes, or y.
      • If false, enter false, f, no, or n.

      User Prompted: If the value does not need to be changed when the integration runs, select No.


      Select whether to process records for employees when they are terminated:

      Click Tap Create .

      Parameter Name: (Required) Enter Enable Termination.

      Description: (Optional)

      Template Parameter: (Required) Select EnableTermination.

      Parameter Type: (Required) Select Boolean.

      Default Value: (Optional) Enter one of the following:

      • If true, enter true, t, yes, or y.
      • If false, enter false, f, no, or n.

      User Prompted: If the value does not need to be changed when the integration runs, select No.


      Select whether to process FTE-adjusted earnings-amount limits. This limit controls the number of hours an employee can earn during an accrual period regardless of takings.

      Click Tap Create .

      Parameter Name: (Required) Enter Enable Earning Amount Limit.

      Description: (Optional)

      Template Parameter: (Required) Select EnableEarningAmountLimit.

      Parameter Type: (Required) Select Boolean.

      Default Value: (Optional) Enter one of the following:

      • If true, enter true, t, yes, or y.
      • If false, enter false, f, no, or n.

      User Prompted: If the value does not need to be changed when the integration runs, select No.


      Select whether to process FTE-adjusted carryover limits. This limit controls the number of hours or days that can be carried from one accrual period to another.

      Click Tap Create .

      Parameter Name: (Required) Enter Enable Carryover Limit.

      Description: (Optional)

      Template Parameter: (Required) Select EnableCarryoverLimit.

      Parameter Type: (Required) Select Boolean.

      Default Value: (Optional) Enter one of the following:

      • If true, enter true, t, yes, or y.
      • If false, enter false, f, no, or n.

      User Prompted: If the value does not need to be changed when the integration runs, select No.


      Select whether to pay out accruals when an employee is terminated:

      Click Tap Create .

      Parameter Name: (Required) Enter Enable Accruals Payout.

      Description: (Optional)

      Template Parameter: (Required) Select EnableAccrualsPayout.

      Parameter Type: (Required) Select Boolean.

      Default Value: (Optional) Enter one of the following:

      • If true, enter true, t, yes, or y.
      • If false, enter false, f, no, or n.

      User Prompted: If the value does not need to be changed when the integration runs, select No.


      Specify the number of days in the future that the integration runs for carry-forward and earning-amount limits. The integration scans for future-dated changes to FTE status and accrual profiles, and inserts the adjustment on the future date.

      Click Tap Create .

      Parameter Name: (Required) Enter Limit Look Forward Days.

      Description: (Optional)

      Template Parameter: (Required) Select LimitsLookForwardDays.

      Parameter Type: (Required) Select Number.

      Default Value: (Optional) Enter 365 days. Range of values = 1 — 366 days.

      User Prompted: If the value does not need to be changed when the integration runs, select No.


      (Optional) Specify a paycode A category of time or money that employees earn, for example, Regular Hours, Bonus, or Sick. that identifies the prorated, adjusted accruals in the Timecard to help find or re-run accruals:

      Click Tap Create .

      Parameter Name: (Required) Enter Adjustment Paycode.

      Description: (Optional)

      Template Parameter: (Required) Select InformationalPayCode.

      Parameter Type: (Required) Select Text.

      Default Value: (Optional) Enter Prorated Accrual.

      User Prompted: If the value does not need to be changed when the integration runs, select No.


      (Optional) Specify a comment to add details to the Prorated Accrual paycode:

      Click Tap Create .

      Parameter Name: (Required) Enter Adjustment Comment.

      Description: (Optional)

      Template Parameter: (Required) Select InformationalComment.

      Parameter Type: (Required) Select Text.

      Default Value: (Optional) Enter Prorated Accruals Adjustment.

      User Prompted: If the value does not need to be changed when the integration runs, select No.


      (Optional) Specify a comment to add details to the Overdraft paycode:

      Click Tap Create .

      Parameter Name: (Required) Enter Overdraft Comment.

      Description: (Optional)

      Template Parameter: (Required) Select OverdraftComment.

      Parameter Type: (Required) Select Text.

      Default Value: (Optional)

      User Prompted: If the value does not need to be changed when the integration runs, select No.


      (Optional) Specify a paycode for overdrafts:

      Click Tap Create .

      Parameter Name: (Required) Enter Overdraft Paycode.

      Description: (Optional)

      Template Parameter: (Required) Select OverdraftPayCode.

      Parameter Type: (Required) Select Text.

      Default Value: (Optional)

      User Prompted: If the value does not need to be changed when the integration runs, select No.


      (Required to move from older versions before v5) This parameter specifies the effective date of the current version of this integration, and this integration does not update the timecard before this date.

      Caution: Do not use the older version once you set this date to avoid duplicate transactions from both integrations running.

      Specify the effective date of the current version of this integration as follows:

      Click Tap Create .

      Parameter Name: (Required) Enter Version Effective Date.

      Description: (Optional)

      Template Parameter: (Required) Select VersionEffectiveDate.

      Parameter Type: (Required) Select Text.

      Default Value: (Optional) Use the format YYYY-MM-DD.

      User Prompted: If the value does not need to be changed when the integration runs, select No.


      (Optional) Specify the file format of the date for the files on Setup Data Manager (SDM) Moves and manages configuration data across software and hardware environments. (SDM Setup Data Manager moves and manages configuration data across software and hardware environments.):

      Click Tap Create .

      Parameter Name: (Required) Enter SDM File Date Format.

      Description: (Optional)

      Template Parameter: (Required) Select SDMFileDateFormat.

      Parameter Type: (Required) Select Text.

      Default Value: (Optional) Use the format DD-MM-YYYY.

      User Prompted: If the value does not need to be changed when the integration runs, select No.


      (Only if EnableCarryoverLimit is enabled)

      Specify the number of days that the integration processes FTE-adjusted carryover limits that exceed the carryover limit:

      Click Tap Create .

      Parameter Name: (Required) Enter Non-Carried Over Days.

      Description: (Optional)

      Template Parameter: (Required) Select NonCarriedOverDays.

      Parameter Type: (Required) Select Text.

      Default Value: (Optional)

      User Prompted: If the value does not need to be changed when the integration runs, select No.


      (Only if EnableCarryoverLimit is enabled)

      Specify the number of hours that the integration processes FTE-adjusted carryover limits that exceed the carryover limit:

      Click Tap Create .

      Parameter Name: (Required) Enter Non-Carried Over Hours.

      Description: (Optional)

      Template Parameter: (Required) Select NonCarriedOverHours.

      Parameter Type: (Required) Select Text.

      Default Value: (Optional)

      User Prompted: If the value does not need to be changed when the integration runs, select No.

      Click Tap Save.

  13. Click Tap Save.


  1. Configure the GDAP and FAP for the people who will run the integration: Configure Access to Integrations.
  2. Run and Test the Prorated Accruals Integration.