Multi-week Workload Pattern

Note: This integration is an extension that is developed outside the normal release schedule to meet specific customer needs. To request one of these extensions, you must submit a Salesforce Service Request to UKG. After the extension is delivered to your tenant, you can edit it accordingly.

This extension provides organizations with a mechanism to roll-out a Multi-week Workload Specifies a number of employees needed for a certain job at a certain location over a certain span of time. Pattern.

Certain organizations have predictable workloads that span a 2- or 4-week period. For these organizations, this extension leverages the staffing matrix to define and roll-out a multi-week workload pattern.

The volume parameter of the staffing matrix is used to indicate the weeks for which the workload is prepared. For each location, the staffing matrix contains the required headcount relative to the weeks in the pattern.

After the user launches the integration and selects the location, start and end dates, the pattern is rolled-out to the workload planner Tracks and edits staffing plans that define the number of workers that are needed for each shift or schedule zone and job..

In the event that partial weeks are selected in the date range, the roll-out is performed according to the days in the matrix and workload planner.

Multiple locations can be selected during the roll-out, provided that a staffing matrix is established for each one.