The Shift Market

Request to Cover requests can be configured so that employees can choose to offer a shift to a specific person, or post it as an open shift A shift that is scheduled for a job, but no employee is assigned to work it. to the Shift Market where it becomes available like an open shift to any employee who can access the market.

When employees request to work open shifts, they can choose unassigned open shifts or shifts from the Shift Market.

To configure access to the Shift Market, do the following:

  • When you Configure Open Shift Requests, set the following:
    1. Select Include Market Shifts.
    2. In Market Shift Filter, select one of the following:
      • Fill Both (default): Fill open shifts and market shifts at the same priority.
      • Fill Open Shifts Before Market Shifts: Hide market shifts until open shifts with the same job, start time, and end time are filled.
      • Fill Market Shifts Before Open Shifts: Hide open shifts until market shifts with the same job, start time, and end time are filled.
  • When you Configure Requests to Cover, set the following:
    1. In Recipients of Request Offer, select one of the following:

      • Offer to Employee — Allow the employee to offer the shift to selected employees.
      • Post to Market — Allow the employee to offer the shift to all eligible employees who have access to the Shift Market by way of their open shift request subtype Classifications of schedule requests from employees..
      • Both — Allow the employee to select either of the previous options.
    2. Shift Market settings

      1. Select Show Other Employees in Shift Market to display the name of the employees who offer a market shift. If this option is not selected, market shifts are offered and accepted anonymously.
      2. In Market Shift Expiration Before Shift Start, enter the time (in minutes) before the shift start time when the open shifts in the market stop being available. This setting is to prevent last-minute changes to the schedule.

        Default = 0 minutes; employees can request to work a market shift up until the time it starts.

        Example: Enter 120 minutes to prevent employees from requesting to work a shift less than 2 hours before it starts.

    3. Note: You can configure cover requests so that requests offered to the Shift Market are invalidated when the request expires. See "Enable automatic invalidation of Shift Market requests" in Configure Requests to Cover for more information.