Request Subtype Transitions

Request subtype transitions Suspends a request between state transitions, such as pending and approved, while a business process completes a task. Example: Pause a process until a manager completes and submits a form. suspend a request while another business process An organized flow of activities or tasks that achieves a business goal. An automated business process minimizes the amount of paperwork and manual tasks to complete that process by way of automatic actions, online forms, and automatically generated messages. completes tasks.

Note: You can configure UKG Pro Workforce Management to send an employee’s Reports To manager an email with a calendar attachment (.ics file) when a time-off request Request subtypes that employees use to request time off for vacation, illness or recovery, appointments, personal time, or other absences. Time-off requests can be configured to support many different employment scenarios. (TOR) transitions from one state to another (from submitted to approved, for example). Contact your UKG Representative for more information.

  1. Make sure that a business process model is available for time-off requests, activated, and assigned to the request subtypes Classifications of schedule requests from employees..
  2. Click Tap Main Menu  > Administration > Application Setup > Employee Self ServiceRequest Subtype Transitions
  3. Do one of the following: 

    Best Practice: Because edits can affect pending requests, create new request subtype transitions rather than edit current transitions.

    • Click Tap New. Enter a Name .
    • Select one request subtype transition. Click Tap Edit or Duplicate.
    • Select transitions. Click Tap Activate or Inactivate.
    • Select transitions. Click Tap DeleteClick Tap Yes to confirm.
  4. (Optional) Enter a Description
  5. Select a From State and a To State. The From State that you select affects the To States that are available.
  6. Select the business process model to execute before (Pre-Processing) or after (Post-Processing) the state transition.
  7. To add another subtype transition, click Insert a New Row. One of the states must be unique for every transition, even if the transitions use the same business process model.
  8. Click Tap Save.