Enable Historical Time Off Requests

Historical time-off requests Request subtypes that employees use to request time off for vacation, illness or recovery, appointments, personal time, or other absences. Time-off requests can be configured to support many different employment scenarios. are for periods that are signed-off or include signed-off and open periods. Employees can submit — and managers can enter on behalf of employees — historical time-off requests. When the requests are approved, the Schedule Planner, Calendar, and Timecard are updated automatically. Employees can monitor the status and progress of the requests. The Timecard automatically processes the historical edits and the related historical corrections Edits that occur after timecards are approved and signed-off..

To enable historical time-off requests, do the following:

Edit a system setting

Enable whether time-off requests can be processed for signed-off periods as follows:

  1. Select Main Menu > Administration > Application Setup > System Configuration > System Settings > Timekeeping tab.
  2. Set the following to true:

    site.timekeeping.allowRequestsInSignedOffPeriod — Specifies whether time-off requests can be processed, submitted, approved, or cancelled for signed-off periods. This setting governs time-off requests that employees initiate for themselves and that managers initiate for employees.
    Value: optional; Default = false

  3. Click Tap Save.

Edit the FAP

Edit the managers' function access profile (FAP) to include the following:

Note: For all access settings for employee self-service, see the Configure Access Profiles for Requests topic.

  1. Select Main Menu > Administration > Application Setup > Access Profiles > Function Access Profiles.
  2. Select the manager's profile. Click Tap Edit.
  3. Click Tap Manager — Department Manager.
  4. Click Tap Scheduling.
  5. Set the following to Allowed:
  6. Select Edits to signed off time and set the following to Allowed:

    Approve requests in signed off time: In Access Scope, select Allowed so that managers can approve time-off requests for a signed-off period or a time period that spans both a signed-off and open period.

  7. Click Tap Save.

Set employee visibility periods

After you enable historical time-off requests, managers can set Recurring and Rolling Periods that include signed-off periods. For instructions, see the Manage Employee Visibility Periods The time period during which specified open shifts are visible to specified employees. topic.