Custom Field Labels

Use Custom Field Labels page to define names for the custom fields that appear in the Additional Information page in People Information. For example, you can create a label such as Emergency contact.

  • Label Name — A system-generated name (Custom Field) that includes a custom field number.
  • Label Text — The description of the custom field, such as Emergency Contact. Use up to 30 characters, excluding reserved characters.

Note: Text boxes associated with custom field labels are limited to 150 characters.

To add a custom field label:

  1. Go to Application Setup > Display Preferences > Custom Field Labels.
  2. On the Custom Field Labels page, click tap Create to add a row.
  3. Enter label text, using up to 30 characters.
  4. Click Save.

To edit an existing custom field label:

  1. Go to Application Setup > Display Preferences > Custom Field Labels.
  2. On the Custom Field Labels page, locate the label you want to change.
  3. Modify or replace the existing label text, using up to 30 characters.
  4. Click Save.

Default custom field number

The default number of custom field labels you can add is 10, but may be increased if needed. To configure the number of custom fields:

  1. Go to Setup > System Configuration > System Settings > Global Values.
  2. Find the global.customFields.count value and modify as necessary, up to a maximum of 30.
  3. Click Save.