Select columns for the Dataview

The administrator defines the set of columns that display by default when the Dataview A configurable tool for analyzing data and taking actions on a group of employees or an organization. is accessed. The column selection represents all the metrics Measures and tracks workforce performance by comparing planned with actual workload or coverage, or by showing variances at any organizational level. that are available to use in the Dataview. In the Columns section of the page, you can select from a table that contains the list of columns that have already been created for the Dataview.

The columns headers are:

  • Name — The selected column name.
  • Category — The Dataview category as it appears in the Dataview Manager.
  • Label — Defaults to the selected column name. Can be changed by the administrator.
  • Width — Column width in pixels. The acceptable range is from 100-2000.
  • Visible — Indicates whether the column is visible by default in the Dataview.

To select the columns for the Dataview:

  1. Click Tap Add to add new columns. A dialog box opens with a list of all the available columns in a grid format.
  2. Use the filter row to perform a search to locate the columns you want to be visible in the Dataview.
  3. Click Tap the column you want from the column list to open Add column properties.

    The Selected column shows at the top of the page. The Label defaults to the name of the column that the administrator selected. The administrator can override the name.

  4. The Width is the column width in pixels, ranging from 100 to 2000.
    • If you do not choose a width, the value defaults to 100.
    • If you choose a value outside the range, you receive and error message.
    • If you choose a value less than 100, the value automatically sets to 100.
    • If you choose a value greater than 2000, the value automatically sets to 2000.
  5. To display specific data for an entity in the column, select the parameter from the Assignment list.
  6. For example, if you want to add multiple versions of accrual balance data columns to the Dataview, you can create separate columns using the Accrual Daily Balances entity and a specific Accrual Code assignment for each column. Or, you may want to include specific parameters for Overtime Equalization accruals for Dataviews used in the Call List. The specific accrual balances are shown in the employee details in the Call List, which enables the manager to rank the employees appropriately.

  7. To control whether the column is visible in the Dataview, select either No or Yes in the Visible field. You can reorder visible columns as a group in the column properties page.
  8. To have the data that is returned grouped by the data column, select Yes in the Group by field.
  9. (Optional) Add a Calculation to this column. Click Tap the Calculate drop-down area and choose a summarization from the list. The dataview defaults to this column showing a summarization row.
  10. You can apply summarizations to each of the columns in the table. The available summarizations are Count, Sum, Average, Minimum, Maximum, and None.
  11. Note:
    • For all numeric columns, the following summarizations are available: None, Sum, Average, Minimum, and Maximum
    • For all string columns, the following summarizations are available: None, Count (number of rows)
    • For all date columns, the following summarizations are available: None, Count (number of rows)
    • For all Boolean columns, the following summarizations are available: None, Count
  12. (Optional) To sort the values in the column, select either Sort Ascending or Sort Descending in the Sort field. The default is No Sort. When sorting has been applied to multiple columns in a Dataview, the default sort order of these columns is the order in which the columns were originally added to the Dataview. You can change this by using Reorder > Sort Priority.
  13. Note:
    • A Time Series Dataview always sorts on the selected time increment, such as Calendar Day. That time increment column is automatically added to the Time Series Dataview and you can use this field to set it to an ascending or descending sort. By default that column will be the first priority in the sort, although you can changed that with the Reorder > Sort Priority function.
    • Administrator-defined sorting can be changed by the Dataview user, and a user who is assigned the appropriate function-access profile can save these changes (personalization). The user subsequently must use the Restore option to reset the Dataview to the administrator-defined sort.
  14. (Optional) Select a control to be used as a column filter in the Filter Operator drop-down list. The list of operators that are available is related to the data type of the data that the selected column displays. The default is No Filter.
  15. Note: When you select the Custom filter operator, you can express the Filter Value as a regular expression. Regular expressions (regex), are special text strings that describe a search pattern to find items within a body of text. They work similarly to wild cards, but you can construct them to search for more complex and sophisticated patterns.

  16. When you select a Filter Operator enter a value to be applied to the filter operator in Filter Value field. In many cases, you can click tap the tool tip icon to view the acceptable format of the value or, in the case of a Date column, a calendar icon to display a calendar from which to select a date. Values that are entered based on the user's locale will be converted to raw values and applied correctly for all locales. For the most part, limited validation is applied to the filter value. See Select columns for the Dataview for more information.
  17. Note: Administrator-defined filtering can be changed by the Dataview user, and a user who is assigned the appropriate function-access profile can save these changes (personalization). The user subsequently must use the Restore option to reset the Dataview to the administrator-defined filter.

  18. ClickTapAdd Column to add this column to the Dataview.
  19. (Optional) Change the order of the columns by Visible columns or Group by columns, or by sort priority

    To reorder visible columns

    1. Click Tap Reorder > Visible columns. The Assigned columns dialog box opens.
    2. Click Tap the column you want to move.
    3. Click Tap the up or down single arrows to move up or down one column.
    4. Click Tap the double-up and down arrows to move to the first or last column.

    To reorder Group by columns

    1. Tap Reorder > Group by columns. The Assigned Group by columns dialog box opens.
    2. Click Tap the column you want to move.
    3. Click Tap the up or down single arrows to move up or down one column.
    4. Click Tap the double-up and down arrows to move to the first or last column.

    To reorder by Sort Priority

    1. Tap Reorder > Sort Priority. The Assigned Group by columns dialog box opens.
    2. Click Tap the column you want to move.
    3. Click Tap the up or down single arrows to move up or down one column.
    4. Click Tap the double-up and down arrows to move to the first or last column.

Filter values according to data type

An administrator with the permission to create Dataviews can define filters against one or more data columns included in the Dataview that they have defined. This allows the administrator to fully define the Dataview for users to ensure that users see the precise data that is required.

The following table defines which data types are supported in filters that are assigned when a column added to a Dataview is configured. Although, for the most part, limited validation is applied to the filter value, the table also shows the values that are entered for columns with certain data types.

Data type Filter Operator Filter Value
  • Yes (for True)
  • No (for False)
  • All (for True, False, and null values).
  • Equals (=)
  • Not Equals (!=)
  • Greater Than (>)
  • Less than (<)
  • Greater Than or Equals To (>=)
  • Less Than or Equals To (<=)
  • Is Null
  • Is Not Null
  • In Between
  • Not Between
Select date from a calendar selector to choose the date.
  • Equals (=)
  • Not Equals (!=)
  • Greater Than (>)
  • Less than (<)
  • Greater Than or Equals To (>=)
  • Less Than or Equals To (<=)
  • Is Null
  • Is Not Null
  • In Between
  • Not Between

Enter value as MM/dd/yyyy h:mm a (10/05/2021 5:27 PM)

  • In the message above the "MM/dd/yyyy" value is based on the logged-in user's locale policy. It will use the selected value for the Long Date element in the Locale Policy.
  • In the message above the "h:mm a" value is based on the logged-in user's locale policy. It will use the selected value for the Time element in the Locale Policy.
  • In the message above the "10/05/2021 5:27 PM" will be a dynamic value that uses the current date and time when the user is editing the Dataview formatting that based on the logged-in user's locale policy.
  • Equals
  • In
  • Not In
  • Not Equals (=)
  • Is Null
  • Is Not Null

Enter a string corresponding to an ENUM-based data column.

Only the following ENUM columns can be filtered:

Entity Column
Timecard Transactions Transaction Type
Approval Summary Employee Approval Status
Approval Status Manager Approval Status
  • Equals (=)
  • Not Equals (!=)
  • Greater Than (>)
  • Less than (<)
  • Greater Than or Equals To (>=)
  • Less Than or Equals To (<=)
  • Is Null
  • Is Not Null
  • In Between
  • Not Between
  • Equals (=)
  • Starts With
  • Not Starts With
  • Custom
  • In
  • Not In
  • Not Equals (!=)
  • Is Null
  • Is Not Null
  • In Between
  • Not Between
Enter any alphanumeric characters.
Default number
  • Equals (=)
  • Not Equals (!=)
  • Greater Than (>)
  • Less than (<)
  • Greater Than or Equals To (>=)
  • Less Than or Equals To (<=)
  • Is Null
  • Is Not Null
  • In Between
  • Not Between
Enter any numeric value.
Percentage number
  • Equals (=)
  • Not Equals (!=)
  • Greater Than (>)
  • Less than (<)
  • Greater Than or Equals To (>=)
  • Less Than or Equals To (<=)
  • Is Null
  • Is Not Null
  • In Between
  • Not Between
Enter a numeric value without a % symbol (25.45 for 25.45%).
Balance Amount number
  • Equals (=)
  • Not Equals (!=)
  • Greater Than (>)
  • Less than (<)
  • Greater Than or Equals To (>=)
  • Less Than or Equals To (<=)
  • Is Null
  • Is Not Null
  • In Between
  • Not Between
Enter a numeric value with a maximum of 2 decimal places.
Time duration
  • Equals (=)
  • Not Equals (!=)
  • Greater Than (>)
  • Less than (<)
  • Greater Than or Equals To (>=)
  • Less Than or Equals To (<=)
  • Is Null
  • Is Not Null
  • In Between
  • Not Between

Enter value as HH.hh (8.50)." or "Enter value as HH:mm (8:30).

Currency number

Equals (=)

Not Equals (!=)

Greater Than (>)

Less than (<)

Greater Than or Equals To (>=)

Less Than or Equals To (<=)

Is Null

Is Not Null

In Between

Not Between

Enter a numeric value without a currency symbol or currency code.

A system administrator cannot define filters for any of the following data columns. These data columns do not support administrator defined filters when creating or editing a Dataview.

Data Type Formatting Policy Data Column Domain
ENUM DEFAULT Action Type Attendance Actions Responses to employee occurrences, positive or negative.
ENUM DEFAULT Leave Case Status Leave
ENUM DEFAULT Actual Volume Plan Type Scheduling
ENUM DEFAULT Budget Volume Plan Type Scheduling
ENUM DEFAULT Plan Volume Plan Type Scheduling