Transfer Display Profiles

Transfer Display Profiles can help to control the results a user sees when performing a business structure transfer. The locations and jobs that appear in the transfer panel are filtered based on the types selected in the transfer display profile. Administrators configure transfer display profiles for employees and managers, and the profiles can be assigned to their display profiles.

Note: To utilize transfer display profiles with the transfer panel, set the system setting site.BusinessStructure.DisplayLocationJobSearchUI to true. The default is false.

For example, a user has access to the following jobs on the Business Structure Represents the logical structure of an organization as it concerns staffing. It contains the locations and jobs to which an employee may be assigned.:

  • Region 1/District 1/Store 101/Department A/Sub-Department A/Sales Associate
  • Region 1/District 1/Store 201/Department A/Sub-Department A/Sales Associate

In their transfer display profile, the following types are selected:

  • Site (includes Store 101 and Store 201)
  • Department (includes Department A)
  • Sub-Department (includes Sub-Department A)

When the user performs a business structure transfer, the locations and jobs are filtered based on the types in their transfer display profile, so the following locations and jobs are available for transfer:

  • Sales Associate
  • Store 101, Store 201
  • Department A
  • Sub-Department A

The user will not see Region 1 or District 1.

If a profile is not configured or is not assigned to a user, and the site.BusinessStructure.DisplayLocationJobSearchUI system setting is set to true, then the default type configuration is used (Region(4)/Store(3)/Department(2)/Sub-Department(1)/Sales Associate).

Create a Transfer Display Profile

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Application Setup > Business Structure Setup > Transfer Display Profiles.
  2. Click Create to create a new profile, or select an existing profile and click Edit .
  3. Enter a Name and, optionally, a Description.
  4. Select the Business Structure types to include in the profile. You can select up to four types.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Assign the profile to the employee's Display Profile.