Accrual grants

Grants credit accrual balances in preset amounts at predefined intervals, or based on earning pay codes. Grants can be fixed or earned. Fixed grants credit balances in preset amounts at predefined intervals. Earned grants create accrual balances based on earning pay codes.

Grants are available for licensed calculated accruals only.

From the Main Menu, select Administration > Application Setup > Accruals > Grants. When you create, edit or duplicate grants, use the following fields:

  • Name — The name of the fixed or earned grant. The name must be unique among grants.
  • Grant Type — Select Fixed or Earned from the drop-down list. A fixed grant defines periodic accrual increases in preset amounts. An earned grant is calculated based on the amount of time that is accrued in one or more pay codes.
  • Date Pattern (fixed grants only) — Specifies the time for which the fixed grant is awarded.
  • Project future grants (earned grants only) — When this option is selected, future earned grants based on the employee's schedule and worked time (unscheduled shifts) are included in the accrual balance. When not selected, the projection of earned grants is restricted and the accrual balance reflects actual time earned as of the current date.
  • Base grant on amount accumulated in paycode A category of time or money that employees earn, for example, Regular Hours, Bonus, or Sick. (earned grants only) — Select the paycode that accrues time for the earned grant.
  • Award Grant — Specify how to award the grant.
  • Fixed Grant
    • One Time Only — Award the grant once, based on the date pattern.
    • Repeatedly — Award the grant periodically, based on the date pattern.
  • Earned Grant
    • Immediately — Award the grant as soon as it is assigned.
    • Date Pattern — Award the grant according to the date pattern.
    • Use Grant Amount Earned — Award the earned amount.
    • Truncate Grant in Increments — Partially award the grant periodically, according to the date pattern.
    • Carryover Partials and Reset — If a grant balance remains, choose to carry partial amounts into the next time period. Select a date pattern to reset the grant accrual.
  • Expiration — Specify when, or if the grant expires. Select one of the following:
    • Does not expire — Grant amount continues to accrue and to be awarded according to the specified Award Grant options.
    • Expires — Specify when the grant expires. Enter a number in the text box and select a unit of time in the drop-down list.
  • Full Time Equivalents (Fixed grants only) — The Full Time Equivalent (FTE) is the number of hours that you specified for the Expected hours worked during this pattern option in the date pattern.
  • Use this option to specify if, or how, the grant should be adjusted for employees who do not work the FTE. Select one of the following:
    • Do not adjust grant according to FTE — The grant should not be adjusted for part-time employees.
    • Adjust grant according to FTE — Select this option to pro-rate the grant amount based on the FTE.
    • Adjust grant according to FTE and paycode — Select this option for employees who work more than the FTE and select the worked paycode.


Qualifiers test for specific conditions, such as the minimum number of days worked in a paycode, before adjusting an accrual code. Select the following in the Qualifier table:

  • Qualifier — Select the type of qualifier from the drop-down list.
    • Days Active — Minimum number of days an employee must be active to receive the grant.
    • Days Employed — Minimum number of days the employee must work to receive the grant.
    • Hours in Paycode — The earning paycode and either the minimum number of hours or maximum number of hours required to receive the grant.
    • Days Worked — The number of days the employee must have worked to receive the grant.
  • Amount — If you selected Hours in Paycode as the qualifier, select the less than or greater than sign, then enter a number of hours in the text box to specify the hours you want.
  • Paycode — If you selected Hours in Paycode as the qualifier, select the paycode from the drop-down list. Employees must accrue the number of hours you entered in this paycode to qualify for the grant.
  • Period to Check — The time the system checks to ensure that an employee meets the requirements for the grant. Type the number, then select the unit of time from the drop-down list.
  • Total Range of Time — The number of times the system should check the time period to ensure that an employee qualifies for the grant.