Shift template Data Access Profiles

Shift templates A shift that has a name and defined segments and attributes, but no date or assigned employee. define a standard shift with common characteristics to one or many employees. A manager can then assign this shift to an employee or to many employees without having to specify any shift characteristics.

In order to access a shift template, it must be defined as part of a Data Access Profile (DAP) assigned to a manager. Shift template Data Access Profiles can also be assigned to employees' People Information records to regulate the shift templates displayed to them when creating self-schedule requests. See People Information for more information.

To define a shift template Data Access Profile:

  1. From Administration > Application Setup > Access Profiles > Data Access Profiles, select ShiftTemplates.
  2. In the Shift Templates Data Access Profiles workspace, click New or select a shift template Data Access Profile and click Edit or Duplicate.
  3. If new, give the Data Access Profile a name and description.
  4. Select the shift template or shift templates from the Available Shift Templates box and move them to the Selected Shift Templates box.
  5. Note: If you are creating a shift template Data Access Profile that will be assigned to an employee's People Information record, include only those shift templates needed by employees to perform expected activities, like creating a self-schedule request for a specific job or shift, for example. See Configure Self-Schedule Requests for more information.
  6. Click Save & Return.